Food Tank Summit Empowering Eaters: Access, Affordability, and Healthy Choices

Speaking at Food Tank’s recent summit – "Empowering Eaters: Access, Affordability, and Healthy Choices” – FSF CEO Ertharin Cousin highlighted:

- The importance of building and supporting retail grocers in areas where more communities can access affordable, nutritious food. - How crucial it is to empower consumers with information on the connection between nutrition and diet-related disease so they can make informed decisions about their health. In Ertharin’s words, “When you know better, you do better, too many of us don't know what a nutritious diet looks like.” - The need to direct private and public sector capital towards historically overlooked and underinvested communities to catalyze economic opportunity and foster a more inspired and prosperous future for residents and entrepreneurs alike.

Watch the full discussion here.


View from the Boardroom


NBA hall-of-famer Alex English and Food Systems for the Future executive Maurice Cousin join Palmetto Gourmet Foods at National School Nutrition Conference in Denver